The GB 2 Earth STORE | historical domains

On this page you can click through to five domains and their corresponding ideas.

The source whitepapers for each can be found here:

To license any of these domains, the cost is 1000 GBP (or equivalent) annually, paid upfront, where the purpose is the same as the whitepaper outlines, and 5000 GBP (or equivalent) annually, paid upfront, where the purpose is different and has been contractually agreed to first.

Minimum periods of blocks of three years apply.

Conditions do apply in respect of what we see as legitimate licensing purposes. Please ask for more information.

  • Please note: the Crime Hunch domain is also included on this page as a historical domain, but has a different level of licensing fees which is outlined in the next section of the GB 2 Earth Store. This is because it has had two iterations under this name, plus a prior one under a different domain, which in this case is included under the licensing fees on this page: i’ve pics.

Service rates for project management and/or contracted software-development services under our responsibility are available on request. They will depend on an assessment of needs carried out by our consultants at our cost, with a maximum of three hours of discovery time, and are competitive in the current European/UK+I marketplaces.


store | ready-to-go domains